Clare Election Blog

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Does History Beckon in Clare GE 11?

The site  is running an unscientific but no doubt indicative online poll.  Here's how it The Banner election is reported

De Valera's constituency under attack
The flaws in this poll include; online so open to abuse, small sample size and not representative of general voting population.
 That said, it is suggesting three FG and one Lab. This result would be historic and would mean no FF seat in Dev's homeland. This is  hard to believe. In the 2007 election FF got 44% just over 2% above the national average. Current opinion polls suggest FF in the mid teens. Any result like this in Clare with the FF vote split across 2 candidates may leave the Soldier of Destiny men stranded. And of course James Breen  of Fianna Fail gene pool is in the mix.. He polled over 5,000 votes in 2007 when losing his seat so his vote gathering credentials are impressive.

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