Clare Election Blog

Review of Clare Election activity on the web and in local media

Source for online Clare Election information

Assessing how the Clare candidates will tackle the nation's problems

Monday, February 21, 2011

The words you never hear in the Clare debates

The country is on to hook to the IMF / ECB with  with a  national debt soon to be over €100,000,000,000. The country has a balance of payments defecit that the current budget is striving to get towards €15,000,000,000 pa. Any government elected will need to grapple with these realities immediately upon assuming office. This involves spending cuts and new taxes.
I have not heard any debates or any candidate in Clare really engaging with these realities. Rather, we get soundbites about politcians' pay and expenses. We get soundbites about the HSE, Shannon, doorstep conversations  hospital reconfiguration. All these are are very important but I think we need to expand the vocabulary to engage with the looming problem.

I think the electorate deserve a a more grown up conversation and we should be told how we can achieve economic growth, create jobs and simultaneously tax more and reduce government spending.
 I don't see any Clare candidate demonstrating they have a sense of the crisis the country is in and how they will personally help the National Emergency
Ireland's National Debt its a no-go area in Clare Election

These are some of the topics we need to hear about; bailout, GNP target, ECB, spending limits, what will be done in the first 3 months? commercial rate cuts, tackling local government waste.
Looking for the candidate to do this.

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